Monday, December 14, 2009

Here is a another painting from a long ago memory. I have never forgotten the elderly lady who I once knew as Auntie Polly, she lived up the street from from us in a tiny,tidy little house. I was eight years old when she was put into some sort of care home in 1964 and I had been visiting her regularly since I was 5, in those days we roamed the neighbourhood freely! I could not pass by her house without her calling out to give me a candy or cookie or an invitation for tea. She was a tiny,wee woman, not much bigger than me or so it seemed. I have painted her waving to me, with her hand in her apron pocket ready to pull out a goody. My dog, Skipper, a beagle, is with me, sadly Skipper was run over by another neighbour only yards away from this scene when I was 5 years old and later buried under our pear tree.

1 comment:

  1. Great Work Donz ...Keep it up . Keep bloging.
    Good luck on the College showing this month 1/2010
